Menu Plan for Weight Loss
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Category Archives for Menu by Calories

How Obesity Affects Different Aspects of Your Health

Avoiding obesity can be a challenge. Where our ancestors struggled to get enough calories to survive, we are often overloaded with calorie-laden foods that are not nutritious. Additionally, our jobs and

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How Does Ginger Impact My Digestive System?

Ginger root has long been used to treat an upset stomach. Rather than working with powdered ginger, fresh ginger can be sliced and steeped in hot water to make ginger tea. When handling fresh ginger, you

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Simple Ways to Be More Successful on Your Diet

In the age of technology, losing weight has never been more difficult to accomplish. There is truly an overabundance of misinformation on the internet from fad diets to miracle creams and everything in

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Get These Workout Injuries Checked Out

While a solid workout routine is a primary key to weight maintenance and healthy living, all of this exercise may lead to unwelcome injuries. A bit of soreness is an expected side effect of putting your

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Sustainable Lifestyle Changes to Help You Keep the Weight Off

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity affects more than 90 million adults in the United States. While many adults are aware of the importance of health and wellness, they

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