Making Weight Loss Simpler!

Losing weight is hard enough without all the books, tips and lists telling you what you can't eat. This site is focused on making getting healthy as easy as possible.
9 Weight Loss Tips for Older Men
If you are a middle-aged man or older, you probably look in the mirror and see some extra body fat.[...]
Healthy Happy Life Tips
Healthy Happy Life Tips Rest will help with body functions and help you have less stress, and anxiety. Sleep helps[...]
3 Steps to a More Healthy Shopping List
A Healthy Shopping List Equals A Healthy YOU When looking to start a diet and eat healthy, creating a healthy[...]
Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey with a Simple Free Meal Plan
Looking to lose weight and feel better? Here is a free meal plan to kickstart your weight loss journey. Looking[...]
What to Look for in a Diet Plan
What is the hardest challenge you’ve had to overcome with weight loss? It could be counting calories, exercise, or giving[...]
How to Lose Weight Over 40 Years Old
It is much easier to lose weight when we are young. It just takes a little exercise and cutting down[...]
Keto Recipes Your Non-Keto Friends and Family Will Love
Being the only keto dieter in your family can get discouraging, especially when you have to whip up a separate[...]

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I soooo enjoyed this menu!! Shopping, prepping and eating was sooo very simple doing this. I lost 2lbs!! I am very encouraged to keep going as this way has proven to be the best and SIMPLEST (which is best for me) way!!!.” - Linda
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Every other Day Diet Menu for Quick Weight Loss
500 or 600 Calorie Diet (3 Day Plan) for 2 Weeks This is a great menu for those that are wanting[...]
4 Simple and Fast Weight Loss Tips
Simple and Fast Weight Loss Tips Are you curious about losing weight? If you are, are you hoping to hurry[...]
How to be passionate about weight loss goals – Affirmation
Be passionate about your weight loss goals. Don’t think of your weight loss goals as an end game, or a destination,[...]
Simple Low Calorie Sack Lunch ideas
Healthy & Simple Low-Calorie Sack Lunch Ideas Ever packed a sack lunch and wished you could think of a better,[...]